write a paper 25
Your paper should be 6 pages double spaced, 12-point Times New Roman with 1-inch margins.
It should address ONE of the following prompts, using only lecture notes and Fromkin:
Let me know which one you choose!
1. Use structural theory to explain the behavior of one major power in 1914.
2. Use institutional theory to explain the behavior of Austria, Hungary, Germany, and Russia in 1914.
3. Explain the security dilemma using WWI data to illustrate it.
4. Use WWI to illustrate the balance of power.
5. Explain the problem or paradox of domestic commitment.
Do not use outside sources!!!
Do not use outside sources.!!!
Only use the notes that I upload, and the course reading on the syllabus.
Make sure you read it carefully!
Let me know if you have any questions.