watch video and answer questions 4

Chapter four:The components of cultural patterns are explained on pages 79-82, and they are as follows:beliefs, values, norms, and social practices.

Beliefs- is an idea that people assume to be true about the world. Beliefs, therefore, are a set of learned interpretations that form the basis for cultural members to decide what is and what is not logical and correct.

Values- involve what a culture regards as good or bad, right or wrong, fair or unfair, just or unjust, beautiful or ugly, clean or Dirty, valuable or worthless, appropriate or inappropriate, and kind or cruel.

Norms– are the socially shared expectations of appropriate behaviors

Social practices– are the predictable behavior patterns that members of a culture typically follow.

The following National Geographic video explains the ceremony that marks an Apache girl’s rite of passage: .After you watch this video, answer the following questions:

1. Provide examples of beliefs that were a part of this ceremony. Explain why these were beliefs.

2. Provide examples of values that were a part of this ceremony.Explain why these were values.

3. Provide examples of norms that were a part of this ceremony.Explain why these were norms.

4. Provide examples of social practices that were a part of this ceremony.Explain why these were social practices

Note: Answer each question and explain why.

Chapter six:Racism is explained on pages 145-147.According to the textbook, racism can occur at three distinct levels:individual, institutional, and cultural.In addition, there are six forms of racism:old-fashioned racism, symbolic racism, tokenism, aversive racism, genuine likes and dislikes, and degree of unfamiliarity.

Symbolic Racism– members pf a group threaten their traditional values such as individualism and self-reliance.

Tokenism– occurs when individuals do not perceive themselves as prejudiced because they make small concessions to while holding basically negative attitudes toward, members of the other group.

Aversive Racism– occurs when individuals who highly value fairness and equality among all racial and cultural groups nevertheless have negative beliefs and feelings about members of a particular race, often as a result of childhood socialization

Genuine likes, and dislikes– the cultural practices of some groups of people can form the basis for prejudicial attitude simply because of the group displays behaviors that another group does not like.

Degree of unfamiliarity– create negative attitudes because of lack of experience with the characteristics of their group.

Racism can occur at three distinct levels: Individual, institutional, a cultural

  • Individual level– racism is conceptually very similar to prejudice. Individual racism involves beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors of given person toward people of a different racial group.
  • Institutional- racism is the exclusion of certain people from equal participation in the society’s institutions solely because of their race. It is built into such social structures as the government, school, the media, and industry practices.
  • Cultural level-racism denies the existence of the culture of a particular group, for example, the denial that African Americans represent a unique and distinct culture that is separate from both European American culture and all African cultures.

1. Provide one example of racism (i.e. a specific example based on your personal experiences/observations, a video clip, an article, a link to recent news video, etc.).

2. Identify the level and/or form that was present in this example.Explain how/why the level/form was evident

Note-Answer each question with example and explain.

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