speech analysis 6


It can be difficult to codify inspiring speaking and learn how to speak as a leader but one thing is certain, all of the speeches in this book come from leaders who knew how to inspire. I understand, especially for this last section, that you might not agree with the position of every speaker but your job as analyst is not to agree but to learn how and why these speakers make effective communicators. If you take a look back to the beginning of the book, you will notice a line that cuts through the history of American speakers. There are similarities each speaker shares as it pertains to how they communicate.

You are going to choose a speech out of Section XV which focuses on Civil and Human Rights in America. It is probably the last great battle we have. Currently, there are debates about gun control vs gun rights because of the school shooting but there are a host of other issues that are always being debated and spoken on. My hope is that, from here on out, you will take a critical view on any speech given by anyone. Put it through rigorous evaluation and decide how it best applies to you and your convictions.


Use the video to help analyze the speech I attached to read this week. Discuss the “number of impulses” in the speech as well as the speakers ability to encourage the listeners into action. Is there one main idea or several impulses? Does the speaker take the long view? If not, why not? Finally, do some research and see when/if the desired outcome was reached in America.

There is not a page limit on this analysis but make sure the font is 12 pt, Times-New Roman or Arial, with one inch margins, and correct grammar. For every grammatical mistake I find, I will subtract 3 points.

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