short answers about western civilization

just use 1 or 2 sentences to answer these question

Week 1

What human activity marked the transition from Paleolithic to Neolithic society?

What are Primary Sources?

What is the name for the land between the Tigris and the Euphrates River?

What does the name Mesopotamia mean?

Did was ancient Sumer usually politically united or divided?

What was the main legal principle of the Code of Hammurabi, and what role did social status play in this principle?

How did Egypt’s geographic location affect its political and economic development?

What was cuneiform written on, and what did cuneiform look like?

Who were the Hyksos, and what effect did they have on Egypt?

What were hieroglyphics written on?

Week 2

What role did dualism and ethics play in Zoroastrianism?

How did Persians treat the religion of their subject peoples?

What policy did the Persians adopt to decease the likelihood of revolts among their subject peoples

Why did Egyptians in New Kingdom Egypt engage in imperialistic expansion?

What religious changes did Akhenaten implement, and how why were Egyptians opposed to his changes?

What is the significance of the Phoenician writing system for our current alphabet?

How did Assyrians prevent revolts among their subject peoples?

What is monotheism?

What is henotheism?

What was the covenant in ancient Judaism?

What happened to the kingdom of Israel after the death of Solomon?

Week 3

Why did the geography of Greece encourage the political fragmentation of the region?

What was a polis, and what sort of governments did they have?

What caused the Persian Wars?

What city led the initial struggle against the Persians?

Who were tyrants, and whose support did they usually have?

What was a phalanx, and who were the hoplites?

What happened to Alexander the Great’s empire after his death, and why did it lead to war?

How did Alexander’s conquests affect the Greek world?

Who were the helots, and why did Sparta militarize its society?

Who could participate in government in Athenian democracy, and who were excluded?

How did most of the five good emperors determine imperial succession, and how did Marcus Aurelius differ from the rest of them?

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