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The principles of persuasion would be through the area of communication. There are two routes to this which are central and peripheral. Kassin(2017) looks at the central route as a person who thinks carefully about communication and is influenced by strength of its arguments. Also, within this area the use of persuasion can be done when it comes to arguments in order to attend to it, comprehend what is being saying, as well as being able to retain the information given by a person. It also use the self validation hypothesis, which is the use of positive and negative attitude relevant thoughts and seek assess to validity of thoughts (Kassin, 2017).

The other route of persuasion that is used is peripheral, which is a person that doesn’t think carefully about communication and is influenced instead by superficial cues(Kassin, 2017). Within this route, it looks at simple-minded heuristics or rules of thumb(Chaiken, 1987; Chen and Chaiken, 1999). This mainly uses the idea of body movement when it comes to persuasion.

In coming up with a plan to use persuasion, I would base it on the central route theme. This is used in order to come up with a careful line of communication with individuals that can help with strengthen an argument or a point within a discussion. For example, in looking at a study done by Cacioppo, Petty, Feng Kao, & Rodriguez(1986), they found the that residents of Gainesville perfer newspapers and magazines as their form of communication when it comes to finding out the news in their area and around other locations. They are considered as high level of cognition. This is used as a means for people to understand and be reasonable to the world around them. With this information, my plan would be to have those who are in the same field as me of education come together to brainstorm ideas that can help the school that I currently work in. The use of using persuasion skills to bring forth ideas and the use of cognitive thinking would help fellow educators to think along the lines as myself.


Kassin, S., Fein, S. & Markus, H.R. (2017). Social Psychology. 10th edition. Cengage Learning: Boston, M.A.

Cacioppo, J.T., Petty, R.E., Feng Kao, C., & Rodriguez, R. (1986). Central and peripheral routes to persuasion: An individual difference perspective. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Vol. 17, No. 5, 1032-1043

Michelle Smith

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