refection paper

one page paper, double or single space, must according and related to reading, answer one or two questions from the list.

here is Readings:

  • Rupert Gethin, “Four Truths: The Disease, The Cause, The Cure, The Medicine” (The Foundations of Buddhism: 59-84)
  • Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, “Suffering,” (Myth of Freedom: 7-12)

Here is question.

1.On the basis of its analysis of the problem of suffering, some have concluded that Buddhism must be judged a bleak, pessimistic and world-denying philosophy. What do you think?

2. How do you compare the approach to suffering in Buddhism with that in Jewish, Christian or Islamic theology?

3. “We are speeding, trying to get rid of our pain, and we find more pain by doing so. Pain is very real. We cannot pretend that we are all happy and secure. Pain is our constant companion. It goes on and on-all pervading pain, the pain of alternation and the pain of pain. If we are seeking eternity or happiness or security, then the experience of life is one of pain, duhkha, suffering.” (Please comment on this passage from Chogyam Trungpa’s “Suffering,” The Myth of Freedom)

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