non traditional quot providers of health services

Historically, the U.S. Health Services system has not been particularly receptive to “non-traditional” providers of health services such as chiropractors, naturopaths, herbalists, acupuncturists, indigenous healers, and others. In recent years, though, such providers are beginning to get a foot in the door of the conventional system, in some cases even being included in some health insurance benefit packages. CAM providers have become significant enough group to merit their own Institute within the National Institutes of Health at (Links to an external site.). Compose a 500-word essay answering the following questions and applying biblical Scripture relating to the various types of healing.

  • What kinds of providers are included in the category of CAM?
  • Why has the conventional U.S. health services system been reluctant to include CAM providers?
  • What are the benefits and risks attributed to the use of CAM providers?
  • What role(s) should CAM providers play in the U.S. health services system?
  • Debate the role of CAM providers in the U.S. system.

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