i need this by sunday afternoon please

PowerPoint Presentation On Cognitive Errors

Read pages 113-133 of your text discussing cognitive and perceptual errors in thinking. Do research in other sources (at least 3 reliable, respectable, and trustworthy sources) to provide you with a more in-depth look at the stages that are discussed — I warn you that the information you find will have a dizzying array of methods of categorizations, but you do not have to go too deep into this issue (there could be a whole course about such errors).

You will write about cognitive errors. All biases, prejudices, disproportionate fears, irrational expectations, etc. are cognitive errors. Children display much more of such errors and are less aware of them than adults, although adults also lack insight into such errors, mostly (that is, their own errors because we can often spot such issues in other people). In any case, most of us, as we grow up, start to discover/catch our cognitive errors and, in many cases, correct them to various degrees. Magical thinking, fallacies, self-fulfilling prophecies, ‘Irrational Beliefs’ (as well as irrational beliefs), religious and political extremism, sexism, ageism, racism (and other biases, including — very importantly — confirmation bias), anger, hatred, dread, panic, extreme suspicion, extreme greed, conspiracy theories, etc. are all cognitive errors. Even simple mistakes in logic (even without biases or emotions) are cognitive errors. Once again: cognitive errors are related to thinking/information processing.

There are two parts to the project:

Part I. Make a PowerPoint presentation consisting of at least 15 slides on cognitive biases.
You will also submit a discussion page (Part II), explaining how your own judgment and decision making are reflected in the past and reflects now some of your biases you were able to recognize (you do not have to discuss those of your biases that you were unable to recognize : ).

Part II. (essay) Answer the following questions about your own judgment and Cognitive and decision-making process in your discussion paper (using at least 500 words) after you have made your slide presentation.
(1.) Discuss those of your biases of which you became aware through your intellectual development.
(2.) Do you make judgments and decisions differently now than you did at an earlier point in your life? Explain and provide an example of how a bias (or biases) influenced a judgment/decision (or decisions) you made at an earlier point in your life.
(3.) Discuss a recent judgment/decision that you made and explain how this judgment/decision is different from what you would have made at an earlier time based on the bias(es) you could not recognize at an earlier time.

Cognitive Errors — Critical Thinking Final Project:

Week Four: Slide Presentation Point Value
Number of slides and Quality content in slides and examples of cognitive errors and biases 40 points
Written Discussion — How your current decision-making and judgment shows the recognition of your earlier errors/biases 35 points
Uses the recommended number of scholarly resources correctly cited in APA format (at least four) 10 points
Creativity — (Color, media, photos, statistics, etc) 5 points
Proper Spelling, Grammar, Capitalization, Punctuation 5 points
Posts required # slides (15) and remember to post word count 5 points
Total (deductions if late) 100 points
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