how would you apply the three sentiments in the poem to young adult and adult development? 

Every person is like every other person. Every person is like some other person. Every person is like no other person.  (Adapted from Kluckhohn & Murray, 1948, p. 35)  Take a few moments to consider this poem.  Based on what you have learned in the study of human development across the lifespan, and especially focusing on parenting styles and family issues, how would you apply the three sentiments in the poem to young adult and adult development?  In what ways are each of these lines true of all humans?  How might we use and understanding of these ideas to both improve the development of humans (e.g. child development programs, parent training, etc.), as well as to understand why people are the way they are?  What might this teach us about perspectives of others in regards to race, personality, behaviors, and other differences from a human development perspective?

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