Essay powerpoint

Choose and evidenced based article about a specific current issue or trend from one of the topics listed below:•   Opioid Crisis in America,Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome, Use of 3D Printing in Medical Care, Drone Delivery of Medical Supplies, Stem Cell Research, Use of Artificial Intelligence in Health Care, Telehealth, Robotic Surgery, Immunotherapy for Peanut Allergies, Advances in Spinal Cord  Injuries, How Marijuana Use in Children Effects the Developing Brain, or Euthansia and Assisted Suicide-Right to Life or Right to DieOnce the issue or trend is identified, find five important/significant facts about it, substantiated by the article you chose.1. Create and submit 8-10 slides. Include notes for each of the power point slides. See the link above explaining how to create notes in power point slides. In the note section include in text citations

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