effective methods of coaching discusssion board

Describe two common rules (at a minimum) that are often followed during sport training sessions. Discuss how you might improve each of these strategies or techniques. Please identify the level of sport team to which you are referring—interscholastic, collegiate, or professional sport team. Be sure to integrate your understanding of the content reading materials, and include literature references and/or anecdotal information to support your opinions.

Required Reading

Jowett, S., O’Broin, A., & Palmer, S. (2010). On understanding the role and significance of a key two-person relationship in sport and executive coaching. Sport and Exercise Psychology Review, 6 (2), 19–30.

Karlgaard, R. (2013). Business lessons why we love sports. Forbes, 191 (3), 34.

Unknown. (2013). How leaders affect team performance: key lessons from professional sports coaches. Financial Management, 42 (5), 13.

Pavlovic, S. (2007). Ten qualities of a successful coach. Coach and Athletic Director, 76 (9), 58–59.

Stewart, C. (2013). The negative behaviors of coaches: “Don’t Be This Guy!” Physical Educator, 70 (1), 1–14.

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