discussion questions very easy 12

Question #1

Read the article, “Americans see both good and bad in trends that are changing the workplace”.

How do you feel about your job prospects? How do you agree or disagree with the survey? Do you believe that automation of jobs will have a good or bad impact on your own career?

(Write a paragraph of about 200 words.)


Question #2

Initial Question:

Now that you have explored the world in our course, you should have a good understanding of the patterns and processes of human occupancy of the earth. If you had to live somewhere else outside the US, tell us where it would be and why (specify the country). When selecting your new home, consider topics that we have studied during the course (i.e. as population, agriculture, language, religion, ethnicity, politics, economics, etc.). Write a paragraph of about 200 words.

(Write a paragraph of about 200 words.)

Answer the Initial question and post a comment about two(2) other student’s discussions.

Please Respond to Doron and Talia


Question #3

Initial Question:

Watch The Life Aquatic Film, Wes Anderson 2004.

1. Explain your First impressions of the film

2. What did you notice about this film that felt familiar to Moonrise Kingdom Film, Wes Anderson 2012.

3. Answer the Initial question and post a comment about (1) other student’s discussions

Please Respond to Dalia

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