discussion question 675

Discussion only 150 words

Question #1

What are the differences between the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972? How does is these Acts effect law enforcement today? Do you think we should have affirmative action in dangerous jobs? Explain how these Acts influenced/changed law enforcement and the military forces of the United States.

Question #2

What is entrapment and when is it abused? Give two examples. How do you think this has affected our legal system and what Supreme Court cases have allowed change? Discuss a minimum of two SCOTUS cases that articulate the use of entrapment and the affirmative defense against entrapment activities by law enforcement.

Question #3

Explain the scanning, analysis, response, and assessment (SARA) program and why it is important in law enforcement? Does community policing need to follow the SARA program or create other options? Explain your position to support your answer to this question. You may use a comparison and contract format.

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