cyb 6000 network security laboratory activity

Laboratory #1: Understanding the Environment and Appreciating the Field of Network Security

Goal: To make students understand the environment and appreciate the field of network security.

Duration: 1 Week

Deliverables: 5 double spaced page

Nature: Exploratory

Study the computer and network vulnerabilities and exploits (See Kizza Chapters 3 and 4). Write a comparative discussion paper of 10 such exploits and/or vulnerabilities.

Pay attention to the following:

  • Routing algorithm vulnerabilities: route and sequence number spoofing, instability and resonance effects
  • TCP/UDP vulnerabilities
  • ICMP redirect hazard: denial of service
  • ARP hazard: phantom sources, ARP explosions and slow links
  • Fragmentation vulnerabilities and remedies: (ICMP Echo overrun)
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