chapter writing assignments

Instructions: Provide a comprehensive response to the question(s) below. Be sure to draft your response in your own words (do not quote verbatim from the textbook).

Assignment Question(s)

Using a minimum of 200 words, address the following:

Chapter 16 Writing Assignment #1

Discuss the different approaches of the federal government toward the Plains Indians.

Chapter 16 Writing Assignment #2

How did the notion of the freedom of contract create opportunities and constraints on liberty?

Chapter 17 Writing Assignment

Discuss the reasons why Americans were drawn to expand overseas in the late nineteenth century

Chapter 18 Writing Assignment

What were the origins and goals of the “new feminism”?

Chapter 19 Writing Assignment #1

Discuss the reasons and the outcome of American intervention in Mexico.

Chapter 19 Writing Assignment #2

Explain Woodrow Wilson’s vision for peace after World War I.

Chapter 20 Writing Assignment

What role did race play in the fundamentalist orientation of conservative Americans in the 1920s?

Chapter 21 Writing Assignment

How did leading voices on the left criticize the limitations of the New Deal?

How did Franklin D. Roosevelt change the meaning of liberalism during his presidency?

Chapter 22 Writing Assignment #1

How did women’s lives change during World War I?

Chapter 22 Writing Assignment #2

Why did World War II spur the growth of the civil rights movement?

Chapter 23 Writing Assignment

How did the Democratic Party’s embrace of civil rights shape the election of 1948?

How did the Cold War shape the struggle for civil rights?

Chapter 24 Writing Assignment

Explain the significance of suburbs for the development of the United States in the 1950s.

How did women experience postwar affluence?

Chapter 25 Writing Assignment

How did Lyndon B. Johnson make the Vietnam War his own?

Chapter 26 Writing Assignment

How did the U.S. economy end up suffering both from inflation and high unemployment in the 1970s?

Chapter 27 Writing Assignment

How did the United States get into the first Gulf War in 1991?

Chapter 28 Writing Assignment

Why did the United States go to war in Iraq?

What criticisms emerged over the American conduct of war in Iraq?

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