2000 words about the art of egypt

Research Papers:

You will be required to write a 2000 word (double spaced) research paper about an artistic topic you find interesting as long as it relates to material covered in the class. The paper must be properly footnoted, (Chicago Style is preferred), and submitted with a bibliography which states a minimum of 4 sources, and is written according to a college level writing manual.

I will not accept any papers WITHOUT properly cited sources.

The internet can be used as a source to get to article sources found through your electronic library catalogue. If you choose the internet as source material, please provide me with the exact URLs of the pages from which you have taken your information. Use academic sources, such as .edu and .org sites.

Paper Topics:

My topic is The Art of Egypt

The research topic should be something you find interesting and should reach beyond what has been addressed in your text, or in class. Even if you choose an artist or art work that we have already discussed in class, try to take your research beyond what we already know. The purpose of your paper is to inform the reader of the artist or the art work or the artistic period in context of its time in a convincing voice, assuming that the reader knows little or nothing about your topic. Please remember that conjecture is not an option. Your focus must be on the art as seen in context of social, political, or religious concerns. Stay within the era we are studying in this course!!!

Images: To further make your point include some images of the art or architecture. Small format only!
Just like your book, images provide the reader with visual information, which furthers the depth of the text.

Footnotes or Parenthetical?

Whenever you read a passage from a book, which you find useful in your paper, you must re-write it with your own words, and then cite the source from where the information came. For general citations, you must cite the source every time you use it showing each page used. For example, our textbook “Gardners Art throughout the Ages ” pg. 135, and 187 are two different source pages that must be cited.

If you choose to quote someone directly, you must cite the precise source immediately after the citation.

i.e. “Cogito, ergo, sum – I think, therefore I am.” here you insert the footnote which shows as a small number next to the quote and appears at the bottom of your page (your computer does it for you) or you can use parenthetical notes, such as this: (Descartes: Discourse on Methods, 1637), meaning you place the citation in parenthesis after the quote.

CAUTION: Direct citations can only be used to underscore a point you are making and cannot be longer than a sentence, or very short paragraph. DO NOT quote entire pages. You must paraphrase!

A paper without properly documented sources will be considered plagiarized. If you do not cite your sources I will not accept your paper.
You may have a chance to re-write it, but since I don’t start reading papers until after the deadline, any revision to add your sources would make your paper late, and thus subject to a drop in grade.

Additionally, you are required to prepare a bibliography showing all sources used in your paper. This is different from the citation. Please consult a research paper writing guide to learn about the difference.

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