writing two paragraph about three different subjects
Please pick three papers (one from smart grid, one from deep learning and one from blockchain) from the pool and write two paragraphs (assume that you are writing an abstract of the paper in your own words) for each paper about your understanding of the paper and subject. I am interested to know following in your write up:
Can you develop a strong relation between paper I(smart grid), paper II (deep learning) and/or paper III (blockchain)?
What is the problem in smart grid and what problem can be solved using deep learning or blockchain technology?
Anything has been done to solve any smart grid problem?
What methods/software or algorithms are proposed or used?
What is the conclusion?
You are free to use Google searches to add advance material in your write up.
Please submit your paper in PDF format in ECampus -> Homework Assignment 1 link (not available as of today). Use 11 pts Times New Roman font with 1 inch page margin all sides format. Page limit -2 page. Write paper titles that you pick in header of your document.
You can download papers at http://wvuieeepes.org/ee335/papers/ OR use IEEE Xplore and search your own papers that you may be interested to read https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/Xplore/home.jsp