write a discussion of at least 450 words

Please answer the following prompts to receive full credit for this assignment. You must answer in complete sentences. Your assignment submission must be a total of at least 450 words. Please do this assignment in paragraph format. Your paragraphs do not have to be indented, but the flow of your response must make logical sense.

This assignment must meet ALL minimum requirements (including word count) and be completed by Thursday, September 5 at 11:59 p.m. CST. You may use information we have covered or read ahead in your textbook. You may also use outside sources, but you MUST include your sources’ URLs.

Sales Promotion Assignment

You have a budget of $20,000 to help your client spend over a month’s time to publicize some aspect of their business. You determine the retail business and its demographic target. Your job is to make the best use of your client’s money in a multi-media buy.

Research the media in the market of the business, to include radio & TV, cable, newspaper, magazine, billboards, and social media. Find out the cost of running ads with them.

Create a plan to use the $20K to contact the maximum number of potential customers based on the target demographics of the retain business and the local media.

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