work term report relate the academic theory with work term experience

Academic Connection (Maximum 4 pages)

Think of three distinct academic theories learned during any course completed in your Bachelor of Commerce Program which were either challenged or supported during a work term. You must identify and describe each academic

Requirements Co-op Reflection and Career Plan 7

theory then provide a detailed explanation of how a specific work term experience either supported or challenged the theory. There should be one example for each academic theory. For example, an academic theory would be segmentation. The theory needs to be defined (sourcing the definition) then include a specific example of how segmentation was used in the business. Followed by an explanation of how the theory applied in the business world supported or challenged what was explained in the classroom. It can be any theory from any course however, do not just state a course name as a theory.

All secondary information must be sourced using APA format which includes both in-text citation and a reference page. Not citing secondary information is considered plagiarism.

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