why is it important for asd educators to stay current on evidenced based practices in asd education 1

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(ANG) Evidence-based practices (EBP) are required by law for students with Autism. In order to provide the most appropriate education for each student, teachers must stay abreast of evidece-based practice research. Knowledge is the first step in being able to provide EBP’s. All children with Autism are different and have a plethora of differences. Understanding and knowing each student and understanding EBP’s will help match students with correct EBP’s. Knowing only a few EBP’s will mean you have to tailor the children to your regimen, instead of best practice and tailor education to each child’s specific needs.

(Lena) Autism is a growing diagnosis in students. It is also a spectrum disorder, therefore there are different severities and effects vary student to student. With the increase in diagnosis comes an increase in studies. This means that since Autism has become more prevalent in schools, researchers, professionals and educators are constantly working on new approaches that can help deficiencies with social, behavioral, and communication skills. The more research that is conducted, the more resources classroom teachers and parents must find what works for their student. That is why it is important to stay current on evidence-based practices in ASD education. The more resources you find as an educator the more tools you have in your toolbox to help with the development and growth of your students.

(Hanh) In this great world of special education, ideas are always changing. I have sometimes heard of special education being described as a pendulum. We try one thing and another thing, then go back to the first thing we tried, and it all becomes trial and error. One day, one practice will work, and the next it may not. There are always new ideas coming out and different ways of trying things. According to The National Professional Development Center on Autism Spectrum Disorder (n.d.), “the interventions that researchers have shown to be effective are called evidence-based practices (EBPs). One reason for using EBPs is because, by law, teaching practices must be based on evidence of effectiveness”. Based on this information, it is important to use the most current evidenced-based practices to ensure we are providing the first best instruction to the students we are working with. Ruble, Dalrymple, and McGrew (2014) state, “another challenge for students with autism is that the ability to learn-which is demonstrated by how well the student can apply skills taught in one setting, with one person, using a specific set of materials and directions-is not easily demonstrated across settings, persons, and materials, resulting in a learning weakness”. Given this idea that students with ASD have a more difficult time learning and being able to generalize skills, evidence-based practices can be vital in ensuring success and having learning take place.

Ruble, L. A., Dalrymple, N. J., & McGrew, J. H. (2014). Collaborative Model for Promoting Competence and Success for Students with ASD (1st ed.). XanEdu.

The National Professional Development Center on Autism Spectrum Disorders. (n.d.) Retrieved from https://autismpdc.fpg.unc.edu/national-professional-development-center-autism-spectrum-disorder

Read “DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria” from the Autism Speaks website.


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