What is an eating disorder?

One of the main differences between anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa is that sufferers of anorexia nervosa are usually overweight due to the disorder but those suffering from bulimia nervosa are normally either at normal weight or slightly over (“What is an eating disorder?”).

People who suffer from eating disorders often have low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, anger, stress or feel loneliness and lack of control in their life. Within their society, an emphasis on thinness and body shape can influence a person’s self-perception and cause eating disorders. Being in a culture that values a strict definition of beauty and places and emphasis on those ideals of beauty over inner qualities can also lead to eating disorders (“FACTORS THAT MAY CONTRIBUTE TO EATING DISORDERS”). Eating disorders may also developed if there are difficult relationships like a parent’s divorce or a break up, sexual or physical abuse or bullying are also possible causes (“FACTORS THAT MAY CONTRIBUTE TO EATING DISORDERS”).

Work Cited

“ANOREXIA: OVERVIEW AND STATISTICS.” Nationaleatingdisorders.org. https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/anorexia-nervosa. Web. Accessed November 1, 2017.

“FACTORS THAT MAY CONTRIBUTE TO EATING DISORDERS.” Nationaleatingdisorders.org. https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/factors-may-contribute-eating-disorders. Web. Accessed November 1, 2017.

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