What factors influences our prejudices about people?

1050-1200 words.

Explain how our motive to belong influences our group behaviors, both positive and negatively.

Consider  Maslow’s hierichy of needs.
Explain how the fundamental attribution error influences our judgements of others. How could becoming more aware of and correcting this error change our understanding of others behavior.?

How do assumptions such as defensive attribution and the just World hypothesis influence our sense to control our lives.
How could we correct these but still be in control ?

The way we perceive others is quiet subjective, and the processes we use to elevate others are often outside of our awareness.  Nonetheless social interactions exert powerful influences on how we feel and behave.

What factors influences our prejudices about people?

What factors influences whom we find attractive?

How much culture influence perceptions of prejudice and attractiveness?

What kind of things help you see the world in a positive light?

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