what are the various joints involved in a lunge 1

Movement Analysis

A project where you analyze all the bones, muscles, joints and types of movement for a given action or activity the details will be explained but you will need to do some research on the agonists, antagonists, stabilizers, secondary movers and good descriptions of the phases and types of movement involved.

  1. Give me the name of your movement or exercise or sport task
  2. Mention the various joints (use correct terminology like glenohumeral joint not shoulder)
  3. Give the movement at those joints- flexion, extention, ab or ad- duction and planes of mvmt
  4. Mention the bones used
  5. Mention the muscles- all muscles including prime movers, secondary, agonists/antagonists, the stablizers etc.
  6. Finally tie together the kinetic chain or other important factors toward correct performance.
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