topic 2 dq 2 3
Please write a paragraph with your opinion based on the text bellow. Please include citations and references in case you need to used for the question.
Note: ANA= American Nurses Associatin
From the beginning of history of nursing and now, ANA and other agencies evolve to form a standard regulation on Nursing Practice. According to ANA, Nursing as a whole is an individual who is accountable, responsible, compassion, advocate for patient’s who is in need of help, trustworthiness, know how to delegate tasks appropriately, and knowlegeable of scope of nursing standards of practice. The metaparadigm of nursing are based on all four concepts according to the book. These fours are, Person, Environment, Health, and Nursing. All these are based on concepts of theories, Florence Nightingale, and history. The metaparadigm of nursing focuses on how nursing practice affect the outcome of patient. For example, environment, this can affect the external and internal health of each individual base on their living condition. Second, Person, as a nurse must know how to interact with the patient and family members with compassion. Third, health, nursing care has big impact on how we provide care and the outcome of patient’s well being. Finally, Nursing, as a nurse each of us is accountable and responsible for the care and action that we provide for our patient’s care.