response to discussion board posts

First Post

Question 1

Collective problem solving is essential in avoiding dilemma and individual interference with the work of the group. First, location plays a role since it may encourage or discourage member attendance to the group meetings. Even though members may be from different geographic areas, some of the team members should be in a similar location to enable quick feedback. Trust is another important part of collective problem solving. The team members should have confidence in the ability of other team members in making meaningful contribution towards the problem solving initiatives (Hung, 2013). Another major factor that enables collective problem solving as opposed to individualistic efforts is team leadership. An effective team leader should drive the common good of the group as opposed to advocating for group direction towards their or other people’s interests. The leader should also ensure equity in the distribution of tasks, and also seeing to it that every individual’s contribution is taken into consideration.

Question 2

Consensus can be achieved in various ways, one of which includes encouraging individual participation. This ensures that skewed decision making is avoided and each member thinks about the problem individually. Another technique involves introducing multi-voting to break dilemmas, as it encourages group members to think about each of the options available. Finally, involving the team in all major decisions of the group encourages consensus and each member’s perception is taken into consideration (Hagemann & Kluge, 2017).


Hagemann, V., & Kluge, A. (2017). Complex problem solving in teams: The impact of collective orientation on team process demands. Frontiers in psychology, 8, 1730.

Hung, W. (2013). Team-based complex problem solving: a collective cognition perspective. Educational Technology Research and Development, 61(3), 365–384.

Second Post

Collective Problem Solving & Consensus Building

Teamwork is one of the most sought-after skill when selecting new hire. Organizations are increasingly realizing the value of people who not only can air their own take but also are keen to achieve a common good. There are dozens of ways to solve problems collectively without driving individual agendas at expense of common good (Arlegi & Teschl, 2015).

Members of a team can, for instance, cooperate in planning and assigning tasks. Also, members should hold open discussions where each opinion is evaluated with dignity and not bullying others ideas. Collective problem solving can be achieved by encouraging cooperation in team activities, encouraging and respecting everyone’s input, facilitating open multidimensional collaboration, and cultivating inclusive participation in decision-making and problem-solving.

There are various methods to achieve unanimous consensus on a course of action getting the agreement of all team members. Such techniques include majority vote, minority authority, and consensus.

In the majority consensus method, half plus one member are required to agree before adopting a decision. To determine this you can use the secret ballot, raising hands or voting electronically. It is touted as a democratic process since each vote is equal. Minority rule involves a respected expert or experts making a final decision where other group members’ buy-in. on rare occasions, group members try to reach a middle ground by consensus which involves compromises (Dong & Xu, 2015).

Team problem solving and decision making, when done properly can deliver well-thought solutions but could lead to prejudiced and unpopular decisions if done arbitrarily. Consensus ensures better decisions, good group relationships and seamless adoption of decisions.


Arlegi, R., & Teschl, M. (2015). Conflicts in Decision Making. Studies in Choice and Welfare Individual and Collective Choice and Social Welfare,11-29. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-46439-7_2

Dong, Y., & Xu, J. (2015). Consensus in Multiple Attribute Decision Making. Consensus Building in Group Decision Making,173-201. doi:10.1007/978-981-287-892-2_6

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