research paper 1299

Please briefly review (2-4 pages) two articles from electronic sources published within the past twelve (12) months that address a current HR Staffing issue. One can come from a professional journal or professional society like the SHRM website. But, one should come from a peer reviewed journal such as those that may be found in Troy library’s electronic data bases. [I suggest using EBSCO]. Lower quality sources will constrain available points for this important exercise.


Follow this structure:

I. Cover Page: Title; Assignment;; Date; ; Your name;

Overview: Succinctly state the main points and the basic logic of arguments as well as the type support offered, e.g. expert witnesses, research, historical precedent, etc.

II. Your assessment of the value of the article.

III. Any action you would take as an HR professional as a result of reading the articles.

IV. Citations – in APA style with working URL. Make sure the article is easily accessible for your instructor.

The articles can deal with two separate issues. Or, if they deal with the same issue, they should present distinctively different perspectives.

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