replay on two different topics discussions about readying and study strategy

Hi there ,

i have two topics Discussions i want to replay to some people posts

two post that need replay doe them

the first one is about :

Option One:

In her TED talk, Angela Lee Duckworth describes the importance of grit. Make connections between academic grit and learning styles. The connections will not necessarily be obvious, so make sure your classmates understand the connection and the importance of the connections.

Option Two:

Since the concept of grit has been popularized, many critics have deemed it an oversimplification and particularly insensitive to the unique circumstances of those who suffer from poverty or other types of stress. React to this criticism. If you chose to do some research first, including Duckworth’s response, include your sources.

here is the first post that i need replay for:

I can completely understand why people would view the concept of grit as insensitive to those who deal with poverty and stress on a daily basis, and agree with it. When I think of the word grit, I think of being able to push through everything life has to give you, not something you need to do well in school. Even the definition of grit is ‘firmness of mind or spirit: unyielding courage in the face of hardship or danger’ (Merriam-Webster, 2018), does not seem to scream ‘success in school’ to me. Using this definition to define what you need to succeed in school is definitely a slap to the face of people who use grit to get through life.

I use grit to get through my life because I’m going blind. I use grit to get through school, because I’m going blind. This whole grit movement just seems to me to be another excuse as to why students aren’t doing well in school, when the really problem just might be how we are teaching. We rely too much on test scores, and not enough on knowing the actual information we learned.


“Grit.” Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster, 6 Sept. 2018,

the seconed one is about :

The second discussion question is based on the second CPEL video. Make the distinction between shallow and deep processing. Then, provide a specific example of how you might use deep processing to study for one of your classes.

link to the Video :

here is the second post that i want to replay for :

Shallow vs. Deep Processing

The level of processing when studying is significant in its ability to differentiate between simple understanding or memorization of something compared to legitimately learning and relating to a concept. Shallow processing can have its uses, especially for someone like me who uses nemonic devices to remember of retain information, and while it may help me to remember something I may not get a full grasp of the concept. For example, in chemistry I decided to try and memorize the entire periodic table so the second period (Lithium, Beryllium, Boron, Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Florine, Neon) became this instead, Listen Beavis! Boys Can’t Name Oprah’s Frog’s Neurologist. Now while this was effective in helping me remember certain element’s places in the table do you think I could tell you any of the properties of the elements? Absolutely not. Now on the deep processing side this is actually learning the concepts of the subject to help learn, in the 9th grade I had to memorize the location of every single continent through the course of the quarter and to do this we learned specific details of each country before we were tested on the location. So by learning about the population, GDP, primaryexport etc… of a country, when if came time to locate the country on a map I was pulling more information than simply a shape on a map

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