read 5 short article then answer the questions

1. Read the “Passion” then answer the following questions in the word doc, need to write more than (600) words.

Alice Munro, “Passion” found on our V-space site (2004): (链接到外部网站。)链接到外部网站。

2.Maxine Hong Kingston, “No Name Woman”: pages 307 – 315 (1976):answer the question in the word doc answer then question write (100 words).

3.Louise Erdrich, “Fleur”: pages 1289 – 1298 (1988): answer in the word doc then question write (100 words).

4.Sandra Cisneros, “I the Woman” and “Love Poem #1”: pages 576 – 578 (1992): answer the question in the word doc then question write (200 words).

5.READ the: bell hooks, “Talking Back”: pages 72-76 (1989): then answer the question in the word doc then question write (100 words).

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