question answers powerpoint

i need you to write about



your answer it’s just based on these questions each one in one slide I attached the powerpoint the you can fill it make sure you answer each question and answer it in a good way.

Stakeholders analysis

  1. Sub Groups
    1. Patients
    2. Patient Family
    3. Patient Advocacy Groups
    4. Physicians
    5. Professional Societies
    6. Nurses
    7. Facility administrators
    8. Public payers
    9. Government
    10. Non-Governmental organizations
  2. How much does the current solution cost?
  3. How is it successful? How is it deficient?
  4. What barriers exist to implementation of the proposed solution:
    1. Incremental advance (not worth it)
    2. Too costly (not worth it)
    3. Ignores current culture (hard to learn, goes against existing practices)
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