quantitative qualitative and mixed methodology research

Assignment 2: Discussion

Your readings this week have provided you with an overview of various types of research methodologies falling under Quantitative, Qualitative and Mixed Methodology research. How do these three approaches differ? What similarities do they share? Discuss each approach below. Include in your discussion comparisons of epistemologies, types of knowledge, and assumptions of each approach. Post your initial discussion post no later than by the due date assigned and respond to your classmates through the end of the module

All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.

Course Introduction (1 of 2)

Welcome to R7001 Introduction to Research Methods. By now you have started on your path as a researcher or a critical evaluator/consumer of research having completed Argosy University course W7000. As such you have gained a better understanding of your strengths as well some of the challenges in reading and evaluating research and writing academic papers. Congratulations. Being aware of what may be standing in your way and what you can utilize as support is a very important first step in becoming successful in this course, in your program, and in completing your dissertation down the road.

This course focuses on research methods and provides you the opportunity to critically evaluate and differentiate several research methodologies including quantitative, qualitative, and mix-method as well as choose a research design that is appropriate for a given research question. By the end of the course, you will be able to refine your research question(s), design a study that is appropriate for your research question(s), prepare a mini-methods section that is an extension of your literature review from W7000, and ultimately update your dissertation plan.

To accomplish this goal, you will:

  1. Examine the purpose of a study, research methodology, and data collection methods.
  2. Compare and contrast the characteristics of different research questions and possible methodologies.
  3. Apply ethical decision making related to cultural diversity in participant selection and recruiting, data collection, and analysis.
  4. Given a research question, examine and analyze strengths and limitations of multiple methodologies to select the most appropriate research design.
  5. Draft a methods section appropriate to research question(s).
  6. Update the dissertation plan to include the drafted methods section (Doctoral students only).
  7. You should review the course project instructions located in Shared Documents.

A major part of this course will be working toward a mini-methods section (often referred to as Chapter 3 of a dissertation proposal) that includes all the essential components of a research design. You will build on the literature review you have already completed in W7000, formulate testable research questions, and design a study to investigate those research questions.

You also will engage in peer-review activities to offer constructive feedback to your fellow classmates on all components of the mini-methods section. Previous students have reported that they learned the most from giving feedback to others because it required them to truly digest the course materials before being able to offer constructive feedback. In addition, you will be able to support one another throughout the course as a team, a key component in successfully completing a doctoral program or a dissertation.

Course Introduction (2 of 2)

Here is a summary of what you will accomplish over the next eight modules.

In Module 1, you will introduce yourself to the instructor and your fellow students and identify discuss the differences between quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods research. You will select three manuscripts from the Doc Sharing area and begin critiquing them by identifying the type of study for each, the purpose of the study and the overarching questions or theory in the study. You will continue these manuscript critiques throughout the course.

In Module 2, using the final PowerPoint presented in W7000, you will cite existing literature in support of a central research question. You will identify what type of research methodology is best suited to answer your research question.

In Module 3, you will continue your critique of the three manuscripts you selected in Module 1, discussing the sample size, demographics, population, recruitment, and location. You will then apply these concepts for your own research question.

In Module 4, you will continue your critique of the Quantitative manuscript you selected in Module 1 and will identify the design, procedure, variables, analyses and consent process in the manuscript. You will then apply these concepts to your own research question.

In Module 5, you will continue your critique of the Qualitative manuscript you selected in Module 1 and will identify the design, procedure/paradigm, variables/concepts, rigor, data collection and analyses, and consent process. You will then apply these concepts to your own research question.

In Module 6, you will continue your critique of the Mixed Methods manuscript you selected in Module 1 and will apply these concepts to your own research question.

In Module 7, you will discuss the IRB process as well as consider some ethical issues in research.

In Module 8, you conclude this course with an opportunity to ask questions and to apply what you have learned in this course in a mini-methods paper

Module 1 Overview

Provides the learning outcomes on which the readings and assignments for this module are based.

  • Examine the purpose of a study, research methodology, and data collection methods.
  • Compare and contrast the characteristics of different research questions and possible methodologies.
  • Draft a methods section appropriate to research question(s).
  • Update the dissertation plan to include the drafted methods section (Doctoral students only).

Introduction to Research Design

In Module 1, you will build on the knowledge you acquired from Argosy Course W7000, Advanced Academic Study and Writing, and continue to develop your skills in developing a research methodology for a specific research topic. We begin with your personal and professional introduction that includes a statement about your research interests.

Coming up with research questions or topics is the easiest part of conducting research for some students, and for some, it is the most difficult. Heppner and Heppner (2004) discussed the importance of setting oneself up for success.

  1. The first step is combating emotional and psychological barriers. Are you aware of your feelings? Do you have self-doubts about being a researcher? Do you have anxiety or fear toward writing APA style academic papers?
  2. The second step is trying to identify why one is feeling and thinking these things at this time. Are there multiple stressors in your life currently that are contributing to how you think/feel about yourself and your ability to be successful?
  3. The third step is developing strategies to overcome these thoughts and feelings, which may include changing the way you talk to yourself, recognizing and changing the ineffective coping strategies you have been using, finding role models who can model healthy self-care, and taking care of your body as well as your mind.

Therefore, we would like you to share your experiences with writing a literature view and academic paper in the discussion board and reflect on the thoughts and feelings associated with this process of clarifying and researching a topic.

We will also begin to explore the three approaches to research design: quantitative, qualitative, and mixed model and ask you to make a preliminary determination as to the type of design model you would like to pursue for your final course project. In M1: Assignment 2, you will find a complete description of the course project and the assignments leading up to your submission of the final paper in Module 7.

We hope you will enhance your research skills through the course materials, activities, and assignments, and more importantly, grow both personally and professionally, so that you will be able to ultimately prepare for your dissertation proposal. Again, welcome to the course.

Let’s begin with introductions as described in M1: Assignment 1.

Assignment 2 Grading Criteria

Maximum Points

Discussed each research method and compared the differences and similarities between the methods including their epistemology, types of knowledge and assumptions.


Provided constructive feedback to at least two classmates


Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources, displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.




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