program c

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Example: (with Python not C++)

# This program will Combine lists together
# Creating an array of names
Names = [‘Turner’, ‘Philips’, ‘Stevenson’, ‘Jones’, ‘Gonzalez’, ‘Whitaker’, ‘Bruner’, ‘Webster’, ‘Foster’, ‘Anderson’, ‘Klein’, ‘Connors’, ‘Rivers’, ‘Wilson’, ‘Duncan’]
# Creating an array with integer type
Grades = [94, 82, 87, 78, 65, 90, 85, 97, 70, 100, 57, 88, 73, 92, 84]
# Function that computes average for the given list of items
def average(g_list): 

    # Returns the length of the list
    sum = 0
    n = len(g_list)
    for i in range(n):

        # Adding each element
        sum = sum + g_list[i]

    # Calculating the average
    return sum/float(n)

# Calculates the average
avg = average(Grades)
# Prints the average
print (avg)

# Function to calculate the median of the given list
def median(g_list): 

    #lst = g_list
    #even = (0 if len(lst) % 2 else 1) + 1
    #half = (len(lst) – 1) / 2
    #return sum(sorted(lst)[half:half + even]) / float(even)

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