politics and warfare

Choose and answer one of the prompts below. Your answer should be 5-7 pages long and submitted to the Turnitin

1. Explain the leadership hypothesis. 2. Explain the combat contract. 3. Explain the security dilemma. 4. Fully explain wars of retribution.


Peter S. Kindsvatter. 2003. American Soldiers: Ground Combat in the World Wars, Korea, and Vietnam. University Press of Kansas.

If the quote is from a lecture, then you need to specify which lecture. If the quote is from a book, then you need to provide the page number. Choose the question you understand best, Do not use outside resources and you may use instructor’s lectures as an outline structure for your exams.

I have download the lecture notes and some chapters of the reading for you (I only upload 1 chapter since the studypool file limit, I will upload the other three later), please do not use outside source.

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