need help with discussion questions for each class 1

Mathematics in elem School:

Think about your experiences in learning math. Were they positive or negative? How did your experiences in learning mathematics influence your attitudes towards math and how you feel about teaching math?

Esol found:cross cultural:

The laws and policies that protect the educational rights of ELLs are crucial for providing them equal access to educational opportunities.

Based on your readings for this week, discuss how laws such as the Consent Decree and ESSA protect the rights of English Language Learners.

Address each of the following questions:

How do the Consent Decree and ESSA play a role in training teachers to work with ELLs? What do each of these laws mandate?

How you feel about these laws and explain why you feel that way.

How do you see yourself providing equal access to educational opportunities through the WIDA, ESSA, and the Consent Decree?

What types of program models were designed as a result of ESOL laws and policies?

Esol found cross cultural:


What to include in your digital presentation:

  1. Evolution of the history of laws and policy in field of ESL. These laws and policies are covered extensively in chapter two of “Why TESOL”. You must address at least 5 of the major laws and policies.
  2. Include a detailed discussion of the Consent Decree and how it has influenced the field of ESOL in Florida. Consider the following:

3. Program models for ELL instruction. Include at least 5 types of program models used for instruction of ELLs and give a brief description of each of the program models. The program models are covered extensively in chapter three of “Why TESOL”.

4. Discuss how the home language survey and WIDA Access 2.0 are used for identification, placement, and demonstration of language growth of ELLs from diverse backgrounds and at varying English proficiency levels. Discuss the six levels of language proficiency. Discuss a variety (at least 3) of other assessments that are used to assess ELLs’ language and literacy skills and communicative competence.

Consider the following:

  • What is the home language survey? Where do parents access the home language survey?
  • How is the home language survey used to identify ELLs?
  • What is the WIDA Access 2.0? How is it used to for identification and placement of ELLs in the ESOL program?
  • What are the varying levels of language proficiency as identified by WIDA? What information can you provide parents that will assist them in better understanding the WIDA assessment?
  • Consider assessments used in your field placement to assess literacy skills such as FAIR, IRLA, Imagine Learning, Rosetta Stone, or any other assessment used in your district. Research these or ask your CT for assistance on the types of assessments used in addition to WIDA.

5. Provide a discussion and list of at least 10 current best practices and teaching strategies in the field of ESOL. You can find several strategies and best practices at the following websites: Colorin Colorado, Research Based Practices for English Language Learners, in addition to those you find in your own research. Three of these must include current information and communication technologies such as district or school wide technology programs used for ELLs to increase language acquisition. A few examples you may want to research could include:

  • Imagine Learning
  • Rosetta Stone
  • Any other technology used district or school wide to increase language acquisition of ELLs

Edu Governance, history: Discssion 1b

1) What are some of the major changes in American society that have influenced education, and what is the most dramatic change you have seen in society and schools from the time you were in school and now?

2) What direct impact does a child’s socioeconomic status typically have on learning?

Article review:

Complete the Article Review Template found in Doc Sharing for the article you have been assigned for this week. All articles are found in the LibGuide at

right here

3.“Embracing the Effects of Demographic Change” by K. Mordechay, P.

Gandara, & G. Orfield,

Educational Leadership

, April, 2019, Vol. 76., No. 7,


Current event:

Submit your Current Event Summary according to the Current Event Summary template found in Doc Sharing into the Assignment folder for this. find a current even from discussion 1b

Seminar reflection:

Define ethics in your own words and describe the characteristics of a teacher you know who models/modeled ethics. discussion post.

What measures can you take to ensure that your ethics and principles are never called into question?

Reading Foundations Elem Schol: discussion post

Why is it important for teachers to make literature that offers multiple perspectives available to their students? How can these varying perspectives be integrated into the curriculum?

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