in description for history

you begin your discussion work in the class with the subject of Modern American Indians. You first read Chapter 2 in the text, and the Modern American Indians lecture and you read the Baydo essay in the reader book American Indians from Assimilation to Casinos. Plus you are to view the various Modern American Indian videos.

You are now to become a newspaper reporter who has followed Red Power movement from its beginning to its end. You are going to describe this movement its its leaders, various organizations with their demonstrations and protests, and the various tribes with their protests and demonstrations. You are going to use text, lecture, reader book essay, videos, plus the following websites in writing your news paper article in this discussion assignment. Here are the websites to review:

Red Power-

National Indian Youth Council-

American Indian Movement-…

Finally you are going to comment on whether you feel the Indians casinos are helpful to the modern Indians and also agree or disagree with two other students in this discussion assignment.

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