i need to have an essay which is 4 pages longs for my final report about egg allergy

NuFS 115: Final Written Report (Due date: 5/10/2018)

(1) Submit a hard copy in class, and (2) submit a copy on Canvas

• What to cover: group presentation content (some subtopics)

• Format —- A scientific review in APA citation format

• Number of references to be included in this writing: at least 4 references (the two references you have for assignment #2 + a few more references from your group members)

• OK to use your own assignment #2 (shorten your assignment#2) as the foundation of your final written report (but don’t use the assignment#2 of your group members!)

• Cover page + 4-5-page writing (1000-1200 words) + reference page

Cover page: descriptive title; your name

Introduction includes

– Brief background information about the chemical(s) of interest; the health effect you researched; the significance of this topic.

– Don’t forget to include in-text citations (if needed).

– Don’t forget to state the purpose of this final report.

Subtopic 1 (Give a subtitle)

– What is the question (or controversy)?

– What are your findings? Summarize the study (or studies). Do the results of the study (studies) answer the question? Is there any limitation of the study (studies)? (Remember in-text citations)

Subtopic 2 (Give a subtitle)

– What is the question (or controversy)?

– What are your findings? Summarize the study (or studies). Do the results of the study (studies) answer the question? Is there any limitation of the study (studies)? (Remember in-text citations)

– Subtopic 3….. (add more subtopics if needed)


– The overall conclusion of the report. What do we learn after reviewing the above studies? You may also include recommendations /regulations, future research directions of this topic, etc. (If regulations come from government websites, include the websites into your reference list and make in-text citations).

Reference page

– List all references (For each reference, list authors, year, article title, journal title, volume number, page number).

Not familiar with APA format? Go to : https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01

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