? How would you respond to a client requesting euthanasia for addiction (assuming it was legal in your state)?

listen to or read the two following stories:

http://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2016/10/01/495031077/how-we-got-here-treating-addiction-in-28-days and

http://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-europe-38166185/my-alcoholic-brother-chose-euthanasia (Watch the video related to euthanasia)

While there are many opinions and methods for treating addiction, these two articles discuss one that is “typical” and one that is very atypical. What are your general reactions to these stories? Do you believe that the 28 day model was based on research? How would you respond to a client requesting euthanasia for addiction (assuming it was legal in your state)?

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