Health informatics 1000 words due in 10hrs
Health informatics 1000 words due in 10hrsPart of the job of the public health informatician is to develop the tools required to translate between clinical and public health worldviews as they relate to information system development and data sharing across the specialties.1. 200 words — as a clinical leader, by what means would you advocate to enable this sharing of health information using public health informatics?2. 200 words — What specific tools/ computer software is currently being used to enhance health information shearing across different countries? What impact has these two have on population groups?3. 200 words — What are current world views related to information sharing in clinical and public health? Are they receptive of this form of technology? provide example to support each point.4. 200 words –Go to Youtube and find 2 video that discusses public health informatics. Summarize the video and explain how it relates to public health informatician. Provide the LINK for the video.5. 200 words– Find a research article that discusses public health informatics. Summarize the article and explain how it relates to public health informatician.Paper should be in APA 7th edition format with subheading for each section. Include at least 4 source including the textbook.