Examine the statistics and decide which measure is most helpful and which is least helpful for meal planning

Unit 4 Assignment: Examining Mean, Median and Mode

To see the grading rubric, go to Course Home / Grading Rubrics

Unit outcomes: • Differentiate between mean, median, and mode.

● Interpret distribution shapes, especially with respect to skewness and outliers. ● Explain the concept of bell curve.

Course outcome practiced in this Assignment: HS311-3: Examine summary statistics of health data in terms of central tendency.

According to the dietary guidelines from the United States Department of Agriculture, a healthful diet consists of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and dairy.

Using guidance from ChooseMyPlate.gov, assemble five menus. You should have 2 breakfast menus, 2 lunch menus, and 1 dinner menu — each planning a meal using current dietary guidelines.

Assign a cost for each menu item based on a site visit to the grocery store or researching the prices online. Calculate the mode for the cost of the breakfast menu, the median for the cost of the lunch menu, and the mean for the cost of the dinner menu.

Examine the statistics and decide which measure is most helpful and which is least helpful for meal planning. Explain your decision.

  • Unit outcomes:
  • Course outcome practiced in this Assignment:
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