enterprise architecture research in ea theory past present and future research and presentation paper

Enterprise Architecture – Research in EA Theory(Past, Present and Future) research and presentation paper

In the course textbook, the author states “…The EA frameworks and modeling approaches that are in use in the public and private sector were largely developed by government groups and commercial practitioners.” “…EA is about the documentation of complex social enterprises and how they use technology to improve performance, there are many areas that academia can and should comment on. This includes the ability of particular EA frameworks to capture enterprise resources, requirements, performance gaps, and cultures. Also, determining the true qualitative and quantitative value of EA to enterprises is a question that is perhaps best answered by academics with no vested interest. Multi-disciplinary methods to evaluate the effectiveness of EA approaches are also needed.”1

Though a considerable amount of work in EA frameworks and modeling approaches have been developed by government groups and commercial practitioners, academic research has and is being conducted, though much more work and research is still needed.

Deliverables for part A & B:

Part A:

8-page paper, excluding the cover page, discussing the above (TNR 12p font, 1.5 line spacing), the paper shall discuss the following:

Explore the topic of academic research in EA theory and identify work that has and is being (e.g. recently) conducted in this area.

Identify and propose how future academic research could be conducted to better access the effectiveness of EA approaches and methods.For example, what types of experiments and/or surveys have been, currently are, and could be conducted to better understand and analyze EA implementations and EA approaches in organizations?As a starting point, consider the attached article, “Future Research Topics in Enterprise Architecture Management – A Knowledge Management Perspective”.

This paper should cite specifics academic research examples and also present ideas proposed in those articles (along with ideas that you propose yourself) to promote effective EA approaches.

This paper shall summarize the past, present and potential future academic research in EA based on the research that you will perform.This paper shall have 4 sections: A) Past, B) Present, C) Future and D) Conclusion.

Grading Criteria:

  • Depth of discussion of past, present, and potential future academic research in EA
  • Overall Presentation – Clear presentation and discussion
  • Grammar and spelling – carefully proofed and checked
  • Quality of Source list – MLA formatted and satisfies requirement
  • See article attached for a sample of how the paper shall look like

Part B:

7 slide PowerPoint Presentation that summarizes the findings of the above

Prepare a MS power point presentation that summarizes the findings for PAST and current research in this area and also present recommendations for future research.

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