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3. What problems does Sternheimer find with linking media to violence, and what approaches does she suggest as an alternative? What role might media play in making the public think that violence (and youth violence in particular) may be more common than it appears? Finally, what factors does Sternheimer suggest are better indicators for violence?

Question #3

Sternheimer find difficulty to link media and violence. After some shooting accidents combined with dramatic new headlines, such as “Study Links Violent Video Games to Violent Thought, Action” (Washington Post), “Violent Video Games and Changes in the Brain” (Los Angeles Times), tell us that media are the root cause of our violence problem. However, Sternheimer and other scholars such us the psychologist Freedman concluded that the evidence of the connection of violence and media was weak and inconsistent. The author suggests that we need to focus more to understand violence itself rather than violent popular culture. In fact, the fear of media violence is a distraction from the real and complex structural causes of violence.
Some rare shooting accident are often extremely well-publicized by the media such us the shooter of the 2007 shooting at Virginia Tech rarely played video games; while the shooters of the 1999 Columbine High School were addicted of Doom, a heavily armed protagonist that stop demons from taking Earth and used their classmates’s images as target practice. This lead popular belief that media and youth violence are very related and common. While data shows that violence has declined as media culture has expanded.
Therefore, The author suggests better indicator of violence. In fact, violence is also a sociological phenomenon which is related with persistently high unemployment, limited education opportunities and geographic isolation from more stable communities. There are also factors like lax parenting, delinquent peers, neighborhood violence, and week ties to one’s family that may increase the violence in youth.

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