discussion gerstel and sarkisian


Gerstel and Sarkisian point out that a commonly held perception among social commentators and politicians is that “Black and Latino/a, especially Puerto Rican, families are more disorganized than White families” (45). In light of this claim, review the selections listed below.

“An Indian Story” by Roger Jack
“Aunt Ida Pieces a Quilt” by Melvin Dixon
“Looking for Work” by Gary Soto

Choose one family and explain to what extent that family can be described as “disorganized” (that is–marked by ineffectual and unsupportive relationships or poor family ties) or instead, discuss to what extent it exhibits “extended family solidarities and caretaking activities” (45). You must cite (directly quote) at least one passage from the selection you choose from the list above for full credit AND you must cite once from Gerstel and Sarkisian’s essay. For full credit, you must also cite your passages according to MLA style guidelines.


Your post must be a well developed paragraph made up of at least 10 sentences of your own writing. Here’s a model of a well developed paragraph for a Discussion Post:

An Exemplary Post

Hello Everyone,

In “C.P Ellis” by Studs Terkel, we are given the personal story of a former racist. In this essay, Ellis describes his racist attitudes going back to his youth. Many of his attitudes can be explained using the ideas presented in the “Causes of Prejudice” by Vincent Parillo. Indeed, the theory of prejudice that best explains Ellis’s racism is the one about frustration. Parillo describes frustration as “the result of relative deprivation in which expectations remain unsatisfied. Relative Deprivation is a lack of resources, or rewards, in one’s standard of living in comparison with those of others in the society” (391). In other words, poverty can generate racism. We see this idea illustrated in Ellis’s life. Ellis worked hard and struggled to support his family but could not overcome his financial problems. Eventually he got upset and wanted someone to blame. Ellis states “I really began to get bitter. I didn’t know who to blame. I tried to find somebody. I began to blame it on the black people. I hate to blame somebody” (400). Evidently, Ellis found someone to blame all the problems that he had in life. Black people were his scapegoat because he blamed them for something that was not his fault. His father was in the Klu Klux Klan so Ellis decided to use black people just like his father. Later, he also joined the KKK so he could be a part of something and eventually became president.

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