Describe the neural basis for the effects of marijuana.

Addiction & Subs Abuse Short Essay Questions

Answer each question in a minimum 300 words , completely and fully for full credit. Source credits and the required Reference list attached at the end of each answer do no count toward its word length.  Answers are to be based on the course textbook and outside academic sources (excluding other course textbooks, encyclopedias such as Encarte and Wikipedia, and type websites that synthesize source information for users, magazines, news websites, blogs, etc.).

Essay answers must be more than 3 or 4 brief sentences, but kept within the bounds of a short-answer essay exam (i.e., 2-3 paragraphs). All your writing must be in your own words. Paraphrase (restate what you read) rather than copying material from the course textbook or the Internet.  No copying is permitted in this course and doing so will result in zero points on the exam. Answers must be written in narrative, paragraph form.  Lists and/or sentence fragments also will not receive points.

1. Describe the neural basis for the effects of marijuana.

2. Review the effects of other hallucinogens that are related to acetylcholine.

3. Elaborate on the medical use of marijuana for the treatment of chronic pain, muscle spasticity, nausea, and

weight loss.

4. Identify and describe the three broad classifications of hallucinogenic drugs.

Hallucinogens are simply a drug that causes hallucinations or “profound distortions in a person’s perception of reality”(NIDA, 2015). Hallucinogens can be classified by the neurotransmitters in the brain that they most resemble. The neurotransmitter acetylcholine is most similar to the hallucinogens: atropine, scopolamine, hyoscyamine, and ibotenic acid (Levinthal, 2013). The hallucinogen atropine is taken from the belladonna plant, and these berries can be lethal. At lower doses, the extracts of the plant were applied to the eyes so the pupils will dilate. The Egyptian and Roman women used this to enhance their beauty. The effects of atropine are associated with heart-rate acceleration, light-headedness, and arousal (Levinthal, 2013).


Levinthal, C. F. (06/2013). Drugs, Behavior, and Modern Society, 8th Edition. [Bookshelf Online]. Retrieved from

NIDA. (2015, February 1). Hallucinogens and Dissociative Drugs. Retrieved from on 2017, November 26


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