data analytics case study 600words plus some exel work 1
Case Study Analysis
1) A Word document of approximately 600 words that explains:
How you would engage stakeholders in order to get the problem defined and collect appropriate data. You must identify the tools and technique(s) you propose to use, and illustrations of these techniques (for example, the Stakeholder Analysis sheet, the questions you will be asking them if you use interviews to elicit requirements, etc). Illustrations may be included in your document as screen captures or uploaded onto your ePortfolio as separate documents.
o What data pre-processing you have done and why you chose to do so?
o What data analyses you have done and your interpretation of the outcomes.
2) An Excel file of data that have been pre-processed (clean, transformed, reduced, etc) as necessary, and analysed for a given business case study. Data must be analysed using the tools and techniques learnt in weeks 1 to 5.