Barriers affecting adult women living with Dementia.

LO1; Develop and critically review a research aim and research objectives/questions and the scope of the proposed project. THIS IS A 15 MINUTE PRESENTATION AND QandA section.LO2; Critically analyze a research plan in order to meet the stated research aim and objective/questions. THIS IS PART OF THE 15 MINUTE PRESENTATION.LO3; Produce an initial critical appraisal of key literature synthesized into an appropriate draft conceptual framework. THIS IS A PROPOSAL OF A 4000 WORDS.LO4; Critically appraise research philosophies, approaches, strategies in order to develop an initial research methodology. THIS IS PART OF THE 4000 WORDS PROPOSAL.LO5; Critically analyze the ethical considerations of the proposed research project. THIS IS PART OF THE 4000 WORDS PROPOSAL.

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