anthropology writing 35
Readings for this assignment:
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Use link reading: Chapters 3, 4, 5, and 6 and 2
Question 1 and 2, each write at least 250 words count. Question 3 only need to raise one question.
1. Summarize the forms of loneliness described by O’Nell.
2. O’Nell describes loneliness (Chapters 3 and 4) as connected to the history (discussed in Part 1) of oppression of Flathead members and American Indians generally as well as to the “empty center” (Chapter 2). Give two examples of the relationship between loneliness, history, and the “empty center”.
3. What questions are you left with after reading this ethnogaphy? Raise one, with reference to the text, and respond to questions raised by two of your colleagues with an answer, an additional question, or a substantive comment. A substantive comment is one that goes further than “I liked your question”. A substantive comment extends the question in some meaningful way drawing on course material.