answering questions written response of a minimum of 400 to 500 maximum words about early american history topic middle passage

Questions to answer:

1) Discuss your topic in detail. Use examples and detail to back your generalizations. Use

different examples in your response to each question.

2) Describe each of the 3 websites you picked. For instance, was the site one page or many

pages? What was on each page? Were there photos or illustrations? Other links?

3) Why were you interested in your topic? What attracted you to it?

4) How did learning about the topic increase your understanding of the colonial period

(before 1776)

5) What did you learn that can or did help you understand our nation today? Were there any

lessons or perspectives that you gained?

(I have chosen the topic Middle passage: the sea journey undertaken by slave ships from West Africa to the West Indies.)

Directions and guidelines

1)Use websites that are not encyclopedias. Ideas of websites are LOC (Library of Congress) University websites, National Park Service, museum websites.

2)Use 3 websites and cite the information that you use from each website. Demonstrate that you have used 3 websites by using examples from each one

3) Cite the full URL of the website. If you use pages off the main website cite them as well when you direct quote.

4) Single space

5) Only use a heading (one line) and your complete name on your paper

6) Paper should be 600 words maximum and 375 words minimum

7) Do not repeat the questions

8) Write the information in your own words.

9) Direct quotations should be 1.5 sentences or less.

10) Put the word count at the end of your paper like this (456)

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