answer some art color questions
How Color Works Chapter Two Discussion Questions
What are the three attributes of color (again)?
What is the additive color system and what are the additive primaries?
What is the subtractive color system and what are the subtractive primaries?
What is a tint, a shade, a tone?
What is saturation exactly, and what is desaturation? What are some synonyms of both terms?
What is mentioned that causes B&W optical illusions? What other kinds of optical illusions—that are color—are mentioned?
What is color constancy? Why might it be important to understand this in relation to painting objects realistically?
What is the described difference in approaches to light in Hopper and in Marshall’s paintings?
How does the neutral palette function symbolically in Luc Tuymans’ and/or Judy Ledgerwood’s paintings?
What are two of Josef Albers’ well-known student exercises? What nineteenth century chemist’s work was Albers work based on?
answer these questions one or two lines