Advocacy VCBC Post Work
Please submit your post work to Canvas within 24 hours of the completion of your VCBC Experience.Watch the Video Segment #11 Is It Worth It? I Don’t know . . . a reflective journal, answer the following questions and submit to Canvas.What are some of the considerations that Alena and her family might be struggling with as the weigh benefits versus risks of brain surgery?Do you feel that Alena is satisfied with her decision? Is her mother? Her sister? Why or why not?Alena’s mother is seen at the end of the vignette asking herself “is it worth it? I don’t know.” How does Alena seem to feel regarding her outcomes?Rubric246 EL Rubric246 EL RubricCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCritical Thinking10 ptsExemplaryLearner interprets the concept definition. Demonstrates an understanding of the application of the concept to clinical problem solving. Exemplifies clinical judgment by organization of concepts in relationship to exemplars. Responses include additional information beyond the intent of the question.8 ptsSatisfactoryResponse addresses question requirements, answers are relevant and applicable to the intent of the question.6 ptsNeeds ImprovementResponse contains little of the required aspects of the question. More than 1 to 2 mistakes in spelling, grammar, and organization. Incorrect answers evident or missing.4 ptsNeeds ImprovementResponse contains little to none of the required aspects of the question. 3 to 4 mistakes in spelling, grammar, and organization. 3 to 4 incorrect answers evident or missing.2 ptsNeeds ImprovementResponse contains none of the required aspects of the question. More than 4 mistakes in spelling, grammar, and organization. More than 4 Incorrect answers evident or missing.0 ptsNo Marks10 ptsTotal Points: 10PreviousNext