aas race racism and critical thinking 9723111 2

AAS Race, Racism And Critical Thinking

Final Exam Due May 20th 8 a.m.

Due:  May 20th Friday, 8 a.m.  No late exams or email submissions will be accepted.   


Required Source Citations:

5-6 pages each questions, 10-12 pages total


Cite at least once the syllabus 

Cite at least 5 MOODLE lectures  & 2 Face-to-Face Classes

Cite at least 5  e-reading links from the readings

Cite at 5 videos/video clips 

Cite at least 5 discussion posts from MOODLE 

Cite each textbook at least 5 times each.

Cite a minimum of 3 current events (between April 20th ~ May 16th)


You will be graded on the following: 

COMPOSITION: grammar, syntax, spelling, organization 

CONTENT: information & data 

CREATIVITY: originality of approach and ideas 

CRITICAL ANALYSIS: sociological imagination 

CITATION: sources  (se requirements above).


Please answer and address the following questions constructing a cogent, coherent essay supported with logic, reason & empirical evidence: 




Compare and contrast the paradigms assimilationinternal colonialismracism as a set of attitudesracist as a system of power,and colorblind racism.  From the lectures and readings,  is President Obama’s discourse on “what it means to be an American,” an assimilationist,  internal colonialist,  a colorblind racist perspective?  After having explored and delved into President Obama’s speeches (highlighted from class lectures) and other discussions we’ve had in class, how would you conceptualize and articulate President Obama’s “race,”  “ethnicity, “citizenship,”  and “identity?”  (If it applies, you can also include Robert Merton’s four types:  prejudiced discriminator, unprejudiced discriminator, prejudiced non-discriminator, unprejudiced non-discriminator).  Many of stated that President Obama’s 2008 election and 2012 re-election  were proof that America is living in a “post-racial America.”   Examine some of the issues from the 2016 election (the candidacies & campaigns of Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, John Kasic, and Ted Cruz) and discuss if we are living in “post-Racial America.”  Discuss the role of “race” and “racism” in the 2016.  Make your case.  Support your positions with legitimate academic sources.




Select two groups (White Americans, Native Americans, Asian Americans, Latinos, African Americans, etc.) and apply the framework of the racialization processes and racialized representation. Compare and contrast how these groups have been “racialized” in American society.  Include a discussion in this essay of Bonilla-Silva’s colorblind racism theory.  Within a society in which “race” has become less significant and racism less blatant, how do we explain these racialized representations that persist in our society?   What theoretical frameworks would you use to explain this (race as an essentialist concept?  race as a social construction?  racism as a set of attitudes?  racism as a system of power?  colorblind racism?  assimilation?  internal colonialism?  all of the above?  some of the above?)     Bonilla-Silva discusses “naturalization:  decoding the meaning of ‘that’s the way it is.’ “  How would you decode these racialized representations of the 2 “racialized” groups you’ve decided to focus on.  Give an example from each group covered in lectures and/or discussions (that would be a total of at least four) of how these groups have been racialized.  Provide sociohistorical and theoretical contexts of these racialization processes and representations of these groups.


Please note:  You will not have any late grace period.   No late or email submissions will be accepted.   Do *not* wait until the last minute to do your essay and post.    My suggestion is for you to complete the essay a week before it is due (May 13th) and upload by May 18th. 


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